

Home is sick – not Homesick 😀

Well, what should I start first? I just know I miss my home right now (I don’t miss the money sent from home).

I don’t know why, but tonight I feel homesick. It has been 6 years already that I have left home to continue my study in Phnom Penh, and for all these 6 years here I rarely feel homesick. Maybe I am too emo tonight!

However, one thing I know for sure is I sleep very very well at my very home. Here, even I sleep late at 2 am or 3 am, I usually wake up at 6 am. On the other hand, when I sleep at my very home even I go to bed earlier at 10 pm I sleep until 8 or 9 am. It seems like I try to compensate the time which I haven’t slept there. 😀

HOME-SWEET-HOMEAnd I just realize that I have most of the time eaten the meal I cook by myself or buy from the market. My dad is a great chef, 😀 and so does my mom. I eat a lot when I visit home, yet I think I eat much more here just because there are many kinds of food to choose: Pizza, Burger, Steak, Bread, Fried Chickens, Pho 😀

But there is no food nor bed in the world can match the food which is cooked by parents and the bed in my very home – the home I am growing with, where I spend my very crazy childhood with.

No place like HOME – HOME SWEET HOME!

Here is a song “Home Sweet Home” It is over 150 years old for now. Enjoy!

Here is the lyrics:


Click on the photo to see the lyrics clearly

About តា ម៉ាប់

ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែចង់ដើរលេង! I live and I travel!
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17 Responses to Homesick

  1. […]even I sleep late at 2 am or 3 am, I usually wake up at 6 am,[…]
    me: Ring~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “where are you right now (it’s round 9am) ?”
    Ta mab: “on my bed” . 😡

  2. vsthea ថា:

    មានអ្នកនឹកផ្ទះដូចខ្ញុំដែរ No where like home.

  3. vsthea ថា:


  4. somada ថា:

    មានមកបន្ថែមទៀត !

  5. Ravy ថា:

    ទាល់តែពិបាកចិត្តបាននឹកផ្ទះ.. 😦

ទំលាក់ មួយចំលើយតប ទៅ vsthea បោះ​បង់​ការ​ឆ្លើយ​តប